Stop & Consider

I'm reading the book of Job in the Bible right now (I'm not big on reading, but I do love reading the bible). I think I came across my new favorite verse this morning while I was reading. It's Job 37:14 and it says, "Stop and consider the wonderful miracles of God!". So now, set aside all of your problems. Forget where you are, forget all of the mess you may be dealing with. Take the next 10 - 15 minutes and put all of your focus on the good, the blessings, and the miracles. Put all of your attention on dwelling on the positive and chunking everything negative out the window. You have the power to train your thoughts to be good, and you will always see the bright side! Start using that power. Bottom line: each of us could be doing much worse than we are and God wants us to acknowledge that we're blessed even when we reach our lowest of lows. He will always see us through. Never, ever, doubt His ability. 


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