Open Your Eyes

My inspiration for this post comes from a bible verse I've always found to be a favorite of mine. It is Matthew 6:22-23 and it says "Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dark cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows what a dark life you will have.". This to me is a reminder for myself to be always forgiving, open-minded, tolerant, and acceptant of others. If I'm not being those things I can't imagine how bitter I would feel towards the world and others. The last few years I've naturally discovered my message and mission as I've spoken to people of all ages. That bible verse ties right in to my personal mission as a young woman, acceptance and tolerance. Don't live life with your eyes shut towards others. Open your eyes! See the beauty that everyone has to offer, and you'll begin to see a greater beauty within yourself. Work harder everyday to give those who you brush away and neglect a chance to shine. You may find a true friend in someone you never gave the time of day before now. Lets all take the chance to mold our attitudes into a Christ-like point of view, and keep our eyes wide open. 


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